Team Run Hub: Angela Izmirian

In the few weeks leading up to the Eugene Half and Full Marathon, we’ll be featuring our Team Run Hub athletes on the blog to give you a peek into their backgrounds, goals and training. Enjoy!


Angela Izmirian: Running the Eugene Half Marathon
Angela Izmirian: Running the Eugene Half Marathon

When and why did you start running?
When I came to Eugene in August 2015, I was not a runner. I mean sure, I ran every now and then to “get in shape” or “be healthy,” but I was never an avid runner and within a month or two, I always found a new sport or exercise regimen to keep me entertained. In all honestly, I was a cyclist and planned on continuing my cycling journey since I heard Eugene was a big biking city. I made one friend who mentioned the running group and I figured, “Hey, this will be a good way to meet people and make friends.” So, why did I start running? To socialize.



Why did you sign up for the #teamrunhub training program?

I wanted to sign up for the training program because although I have run races before (5ks and 10ks), I knew that I wasn’t running up to my full potential. I’m also an overachiever and I set a goal for myself that before I leave Eugene, I needed to run a half or full marathon. Although finances were tight, I have very caring/amazing friends who were concerned about me injuring myself (I am a clumsy person… ask me about how I scraped my knee a month before this half marathon). They helped me finance the training program and I am very grateful for them because I have seen so much growth in my speed, endurance, and confidence.


What are your goals for the Eugene half/full Marathon? What pace(ish) are you planning to run during the race?

My overall goal is to finish the race with no injuries. However, my overachiever self would love to finish the half marathon under 2 hours, hopefully running a 9:00-9:15 pace.


What has been your favorite part of being a member of the training group?

The camaraderie. I have become THAT person who talks about running all the time. “What pace will I be running today?” “What was your PR?” “What gel are you eating? Is it any good?” However, I have met a group of people who are just as passionate about it as I am. They are my home away from home. Without them, I don’t think I would have been as happy as I have been in Eugene. My friends are everything to me, and I feel as though I have bonded with this training group. We groan about speed workouts as a team, but we also celebrate as a team, and that is amazing.


Also! Without this training group, I would not have kept myself accountable. I know that I would have looked outside, seen that it was likely raining, and sat back down on the couch. Thank you coach and team for guilt tripping me (unconsciously) into running. I appreciate it 🙂


What has been the most challenging part of your training?

I think the most challenging part of my training has been pushing myself to run on the days where I did not feel like running. I soon learned that those were the days when I likely needed to run the most. I did not want to run when I had a bad day at work or when it was pouring rain outside. However, when I ran during those moments, I learned that I could push through the hard days. Not every run is going to be easy and I had to learn that I could make it through the “good” days alongside the “bad.”


Also, I find it really hard to take it easy. When I choose to pursue something, I go all in. I tend to push myself to run faster or go the extra mile, which may not always be what I need in the moment. So, I have found it challenging not to overdo it.


Tell us: Are you running the Eugene Half or Full Marathon? What are your goals? What was the hardest part of your training?