We’ll be highlighting some of the participants of Run Hub’s fall training team leading up to the EWEB Run to Stay Warm this Sunday. Rachel Moline is training for the half marathon with the goal of finishing the race in under two hours.
Get to know Rachel:
What was your “AHA I love running” moment?
I didn’t run in high school, but my best friend in my 20’s randomly asked me one day if I wanted to run a 10K. Specifically the Bolder Boulder 10k where, unbeknownst to me, I would be running with 50,000 people. That summer I ran a series of races that ended with the Pikes Peak Ascent. Don’t ask me how that got me hooked but it did. I guess AH HA comes when you realize you are capable of so much more than you thought. I think that’s still every day for me, which is why I’m still running.
What are you most excited for on race day?
Crossing the finish line and hugging everyone on the team, sharing in each other’s sweat. Is that too much? It’s been such a great experience.
What’s your pre-race power food?
Boiled egg, Cheerios and half an apple. And tea, if there’s time.
What is your running mantra when things get tough?
Relax. Just that word, it does wonders.
What is your favorite cross training activity?
What has been your favorite part of the training team so far?
The schedule. Having someone else tell me what to do is awesome. And getting cheered on at the end of a tempo run. Go team go!
What has been the most challenging part?
Tempo runs. But, more ah ha moments.
If you could offer one piece of advice to others who are training for a race, what would it be?
Adopt a cat. Cats are amazing. And foam roll. And don’t give up! You are capable of so much more than you think!
Good luck on the half marathon Rachel!