Team Run Hub: Simon Thaler

We’re highlighting some of the members of our training team leading up to the Eugene half marathon and marathon on April 28. Meet Simon Thaler, who is training for the half marathon.ย This is his sixth time participating in Run Hub’s training team and he says it’s just as fun as the first time!

What is your goal for race day?

My “best day ever” goal is to finish under 1:55. I’ll be happy with anything under 2:00. Of course, finishing healthy and uninjured is in there, too.

Why did you join Team Run Hub?

I was looking for some direction and guidance in moving from 5K and 10K distances to half marathons.

Tell me a little bit about your running background. How did you fall in love with running?

I started running on a challenge from my daughter about six years ago. She was running track at South Eugene and as part of a fundraiser for the team I committed to run a mile in under 10 minutes. I was starting from scratch, never having really run before. I met that goal with a lot of huffing and puffing, and that turned into running 5Ks, which morphed into 10Ks, which morphed into half marathons. I really love the sense of accomplishment that comes with running, regardless of the distance.

What has been your favorite part of the training team so far? What has been the most challenging part?

I’m really into the social aspect and positive feedback in training with a group. I love that no matter how old/young, fast or experienced you are, there are always plenty of high fives and “nice jobs” to go around. The hardest part this training session has been getting over the flu. I was in bed for close to a week and even though I feel back to normal now, I still have a nagging cough.

What is your running mantra when things get tough?

“Just a little farther.”

How do you spend your rest/recovery days?

Walking our French Bulldog and/or foam rolling.

Whatโ€™s your favorite cross training activity?

Riding my bike around town, weather permitting, or riding a stationary cycle.

What is your favorite fuel during a run? Best post-race recovery meal?

I like the pomegranate Honey Stingers or GU Chocolate Outrage. My favorite post-race meal is some type of pasta feed: either spaghetti with marinara sauce or mac and cheese.

If you could offer one piece of advice to others who are training for a race, what would it be?

Follow the coaches’ “recipe.” It really works!

Good luck on your half marathon, Simon!