For February and March we’re featuring some of our Run Hub community runners, why they love running and how they fell in love with it. Find out how Sean Remington fell in love with running and what keeps him coming back for more.
Q: How did you fall in love with running?
A: I found running at a time when my body was in pain. However it was the emotional and spiritual pain that was the worst of it. Through running I have found a way to process emotions in a way that enabled me to become an active participant in my own life. It was then that I realized my dreams had been put on hold, put to sleep! Running has given me the gift of living! I don’t always know what I need out of my run, yet every single run gives me exactly what I am seeking. Sometimes it’s solo and introspective. Sometimes it’s fellowshipping with a group. It’s always… A way to cope. A way through. A way back.

Q: Tell us about a time recently when you thought “Wow, this is why I love running.”
A: I love what solo running does for my soul. But running also galvanizes a group like nothing else that I know of. My latest “wow, this is why I love running” moment came whilst not actually running. A couple weeks ago I gathered a group at Mt Pisgah, many of whom had never met. I had a feeling this group would mesh well and they did! We looped the mountain, then had food and went our separate ways. The following week most of this new crew raced various distances at Bristow Trail Runs. The days following the race I was amazed at the Strava comments and group chats between us, filled with epic plans of future runs together and such a giant outpouring of love and support. It’s the ones that had never met and are now signed on as crew for their first as well as longest ultras that blew me away the most. One run was all it took to have a crew comfortable enough to bare our souls and vulnerabilities to one another without fear of judgment or the impediment of insecurity.
Q: Do you have a favorite piece of gear?
A: My favorite piece of running gear may just be my belt buckle.π